How to remove hair permanently at home

remove hair permanently

Want to remove hair permanently? Unwanted body hair is an inconvenience for both men and women. Many of the quicker methods of hair removal, such as shaving or using hair removal creams only help for a day or two. The other options that last a little longer; like waxing and threading, leave you with painful and unattractive ingrown hairs, with [...]

Posted in IPL

Some important reasons to try Vivre® IPL treatment


Some key reasons to try Vivre® IPL treatment at home Everyone who has ever tried to remove hair growth in unwanted areas has found a few "home-grown" hair removal solutions. The truth is that there are many solutions out there that can help you deal with hair growth in these areas, from facial hair growth to hairs that grow [...]

Facts about hair remover laser with IPL at home

hair remover laser

When it comes to options for convenient, long-term hair removal, there are a few options available. Depilatory creams, laser treatments at a clinic and intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments often promise long-lasting results. Painful options such as tweezing and waxing often prove to be a quick fix but are not ideal as a permanent solution. Here at Vivre® we offer solutions for IPL laser hair removal at home, such as our IPL laser hair removal...