Category Archives: IPL

How fast to see results of IPL?

Live IPL Pro

Undergoing IPL treatment is an exciting journey towards clearer and more youthful skin. Regardless of whether you want to reduce wrinkles, reduce pigmentation or get a smoother skin texture, the results will be visible after just a few treatments. Each person is unique and results may vary but with patience and regular treatments you can achieve your dream result. Book your IPL treatment today and discover the amazing results for yourself!

What is IPL treatment? We answer your questions about IPL treatment

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What does an IPL treatment involve? IPL treatment is a type of light therapy used to treat wrinkles, blemishes and remove unwanted hair. IPL stands for intense pulsed light. You can perform IPL treatment at home to minimise or remove: Age spots Sun damage Freckles Birthmarks Varicose veins Broken blood vessels on the face Rosacea Hair on the face, neck, back, [...]

How many laser hair removal treatments are required to permanently remove hair?


Ingrown hair? Burns from wax? No thanks! If you're one of the many who feel that unwanted hair is the bane of your existence, it might be a good time for you to consider laser hair removal. Ditching the razor and avoiding frustrating beard stubble just days after shaving sounds like a dream, but for many it's just [...]

Does laser hair removal or IPL work on light hair?

White hair IPL

Laser hair removal or IPL is one of the best and most effective ways to remove body hair. If you are looking for a hair removal method that is permanent, there is nothing more effective than laser hair removal/IPL. Almost everyone qualifies and can have laser hair removal, depending on the color of the body hair. If you are tired of hair removal methods that simply don't [...]