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Hair Removal is something for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. If you don't like having body hair, you should of course be able to remove it. Men can use the same hair removal methods as women. Unfortunately, traditional hair removal methods aren't very good, no matter who uses them. The three most common types of hair removal is shaving, waxing and hair removal cream.
Waxing is painful, shaving must be done every day to keep up with hair growth, and hair removal cream is packed with chemicals you don't want on your skin. For most people, these options simply don't work. No one wants shave every day, and no one wants theirs hair torn from the root. It's so frustrating, especially when most products are also aimed at women.
A better option is to try IPL hair removal. This hair removal method is great because it helps prevent hair from growing back. It is much less painful (and more cost-effective) than waxing. Plus, it doesn't have to be done every day like shaving.
With in-patient treatments, you will need to go every two weeks for treatments, and home treatments should be done once a week.
Read on to find out everything you need to know about IPL hair removal for men.
How does IPL hair removal for men work?
IPL is an abbreviation for intense pulsed light. It is similar to laser hair removal, but there are a few differences between the two. The main difference between these two forms of hair removal is that the laser uses one wavelength of light energy. IPL uses multiple wavelengths, which is good for several reasons. One of the reasons is that it covers more of the skin in less time than one laser.
Another reason is that it damages the skin less, because it avoids epidermis (the top layer of skin) completely. This means your skin can repair itself faster. Another reason is that it is much less painful than laser hair removal, which is an important factor for many people to consider.
It works by first targeting pigments in the skin, which in this case is the hair. It then uses heat to destroy the hair follicle, which is where the root grows. This root allows the hair to grow upwards and through to the surface of the skin. If it is destroyed, the hair will not grow.
When this is done repeatedly, the hair regrowth process slows down until eventually it probably won't grow back at all.
Is IPL treatment the same for both men and women?
Yes! IPL is the same treatment for both men and women. In fact, it's exactly the same in every way. The same device is used, the same process is used and the results are the same.
Just as for women, men's must hair destroyed in the hair follicle in order for the regrowth of hair must be stopped or delayed. The IPL device targets the pigment in the hair and uses it to find the follicle and destroy it with its flashes of light.
Men's and women's hair grows by the same process, which begins in a root at the bottom of the follicle. The root from which the hair grows is made of protein. The blood vessels in your scalp help to feed the root, which helps to form more cells. The end result is hair growth.
To reach the skin's surface, the hair is pushed up as it grows and moves through an oil gland. There are actually four different phases of hair growth, which are anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen. These phases all last for different periods of time. It doesn't matter what gender you are because this is how all hair grows. There may be personal differences in hair growth, such as how fast or slow the hair grows, but this depends on many different factors.
No matter what differences a person may have with their body hair, hair is ultimately hair. An IPL cannot tell the difference between body hair. If there is a pigment, it will detect it and destroy it. Men's hair is coarse and thick, just as women's hair is when it grows back after shaving. Sometimes men's hair may appear thicker and coarser on the beard, but it resembles a stubble-like texture.
Can IPL treatments be performed at home?

If you are one of those who hate having to book a lot of appointments at different clinics for IPL treatments, we have good news for you. IPL does not have to be performed in a clinic or spa. It can actually be performed right in your own home! This makes it all so much easier and much more convenient.
Hard to believe, isn't it? This is all thanks to Vivre and our fantastic IPL device intended for home use. This device gives you the same results as you would get with an office treatment. Our device just happens to save you lots of time and money while using it. It's a much more cost-effective option than buying an IPL hair removal package from your dermatologist.
If you take good care of your IPL unit, you will have enough pulses to last you over 12 years! With weekly use, you'll be hair-free in no time. Even your largest areas will only take you a few minutes to treat, saving you from driving to and from an office and all the time you need to have multiple appointments.
No more razor burn, no more ingrown hairs and no more hair growing back. It simply doesn't get any better than IPL. You can use it on any part of your body. Most men tend to target the chest and back, but wherever you feel you need hair removal, you can do it! If you're working on your back, you'll probably need someone to help you reach all parts of your back. That way, you won't have hair patches that you missed on your own.
IPL is the best hair removal option for men. Skip the waxing and shaving. Waxing is so painful and hair can often grow back even thicker than it was before. Plus, you need to have an appointment every two to three weeks. That's a lot of pain to go through every month!
Shaving only produces stubble, and lots of it. If you are a man who shaves the face Of course you already know this. Beard stubble is annoying, prickly and needs to be shaved almost daily to keep it at bay. A better solution is to just get rid of the hair completely and prevent it from ever coming back.
That's where Vivre IPL comes into the picture. You can take care of the hair removal yourself directly from home. Just make it part of your weekly self-care routine, and you're good to go. Breast, face, back, whatever you want. Wherever you want to be hair free, our IPL device can help you with that.
Most often, hair removal is targeted at women. We believe that smooth, hair-free skin should be available to everyone, and you shouldn't have to deal with painful methods that don't even work. Instead, use a product that you know will work to not only get rid of hair, but also make sure it doesn't grow back. Saving all that time and money is just an added bonus!