Who should not do microneedling?

Microneedling can provide amazing results to improve skin quality, reduce wrinkles and scars, and promote collagen production. That being said, it is not a one-size-fits-all treatment method. Although microneedling may be an effective solution for most people, there are some people who should avoid this treatment. In this article we will look at which groups of people should not microneedling and why. By understanding the risks involved and how to avoid them, we can make better informed decisions about our skin care. Let's take a look at which people should consider alternative methods to achieve their beauty.


1. Be careful with microneedling on sensitive skin

Avoid damage to your sensitive skin

When it comes to treating sensitive skin with microneedling, you should be extra careful. Exposing the skin to microneedles can produce amazing results, but it can also cause damage to your sensitive skin if not done correctly. If you have very sensitive skin, it may be advisable to seek help from a specialist.

To avoid injury, we recommend starting with the lowest length of needles. It is also important to use a mild and soothing specially designed cream before the treatment to prepare the skin. To minimize the risk of infection, it is very important to use only sterile equipment and to follow hygienic routines during and after the procedure.

With caution and care, you can achieve amazing results with microneedling on your sensitive skin. But always be sure to consult an expert and use high-quality products to maximize safety and skin care.

  • Always follow treatment instructions carefully to avoid damage to your sensitive skin
  • Use a mild and soothing cream before the treatment and sterile equipment to reduce the risk of infection
  • If you do not feel confident about the treatment, seek help from an expert

2. Avoid microneedling if you have active acne or rosacea

Microneedling is a treatment that is popular for treating many different skin problems such as uneven skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles. However, if you suffer from active acne or rosacea, it is important not to use microneedling, as it may worsen your symptoms.

When you have active acne, your skin is at its most sensitive, and there is a high risk of bacterial infections. Using microneedling on inflamed skin can introduce additional bacteria into your skin and cause more acne. In addition, the treatment can cause scarring and create an uneven skin texture.

Rosacea is another skin condition that can be aggravated by microneedling. Using a needle roller or some kind of pen i the face may cause a reaction in the skin which may lead to redness, burning and sensitivity. If you want to use microneedling, wait until your skin is in a calm stage and consult with your dermatologist about its suitability.

  • Tell your dermatologist if you have any skin problems or diseases that may be aggravated by microneedling. It is always best to consult with an expert to determine if the treatment is suitable for you.
  • If you have active acne or rosacea, other treatments may be more appropriate, such as chemical peels or laser treatment. Your dermatologist can recommend a treatment that will give you the best results.
  • Taking care of skin problems is important, but so is taking care of your health. If a skin treatment is not suitable for you, it would be wise to avoid it and look for another treatment option.

3. Pregnant women should not do microneedling

It is common knowledge that pregnant women should avoid certain types of beauty treatments and microneedling is one of them. The reason for this is that during pregnancy blood flow increases and the risk of infection can increase when the skin is damaged or penetrated. But, what exactly is microneedling and why should pregnant women avoid it?

Microneedling is a beauty treatment that involves small needles creating microscopic holes in the skin to stimulate collagen production and increase the skin's elasticity and firmness. The treatment can help reduce fine lines, scars, pigment spots and improve skin texture. But for pregnant women, it can pose a risk because the skin's protective barrier is reduced during pregnancy and can lead to the penetration of harmful substances.

Although microneedling can be an effective beauty treatment, it is important that pregnant women avoid it and wait until after the birth. There are other skin care treatments that are safe during pregnancy and can provide similar results. Opt instead for safe and simple treatments such as moisturizing facials, gentle peelings, massages and light treatments.

  • Always avoid different types of microneedling treatments during pregnancy.
  • Pay attention to the substances that beauty products contain. Some can affect the health of the fetus.
  • Consult your doctor or midwife about which skin care treatments are safe during pregnancy.

For most of us, being pregnant means a time of joy and anticipation. Although we want to look good and take care of our skin, I strongly recommend that you avoid microneedling and instead wait for the treatment until after birth. The most important thing is to protect both your own and your baby's health.

4. People with skin infections should avoid microneedling

as it can worsen the condition and spread the infection to other parts of the body. Microneedling involves inserting thin needles into the skin to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture and tone. But if the skin surface is already damaged or infected, bacteria and other harmful organisms can increase the risk of complications.

If you have a skin infection, try to treat it first before proceeding with microneedling. A dermatologist can help you make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. This may involve antibiotics, antivirals, or other medicines or ointments that help control the infection.

To prevent skin infections, I suggest you always keep your skin clean and hydrated. Use a mild cleanser and avoid excessive exfoliation or other skin-irritating treatments. Be careful when applying skin care products and make sure your hands are clean. If you have any sores or cuts on your skin, cover them with a plaster to prevent bacteria from entering.

  • Before microneedling, consult a professional dermatologist.
  • Try to avoid gadgets that can damage the skin before microneedling.
  • Keep your skin clean and hydrated and be careful when using skin care products.

In conclusion, people with skin infections should avoid using microneedling due to the risk of complications. Always be careful when treating your skin and make sure to keep it clean and hydrated to avoid infection. Do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist if you have any concerns or worries about your skin health.

5. Always consult a professional skin therapist before doing microneedling

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a treatment used to treat various skin problems, such as fine lines, acne scars and sun damage. The treatment is a form of collagen induction therapy, where tiny needles are used to create tiny microscopic holes in the skin. This increases blood flow and stimulates collagen production, which can improve skin texture and appearance.

Why is it important to consult a professional skin therapist?

Doing microneedling without qualified help can lead to serious damage to the skin, so it is important to always consult a registered skin therapist before deciding to do the treatment on your own. The skin therapist will be able to assess what type of treatment is suitable for you, and what length of needles should be used to treat your specific skin problem.

What can you expect after the treatment?

  • Microneedling can make your skin sensitive and irritated, but this goes away after a couple of days.
  • Your skin may be red and sore after the treatment, but this is normal and will go away within a few hours to a couple of days.
  • It is important to protect your skin from the sun and heat after the treatment and not to use peeling products or strong chemicals.

In conclusion:

If you want to try microneedling, you should always seek help from a professional skin therapist. This in combination with regular skin care, a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset can help improve your skin's appearance and health in many different ways.

Now you know which people should avoid microneedling. By understanding the price of this treatment in relation to your health, and by taking into account your skin type and consulting your dermatologist, you can avoid possible complications and invest in a safer and more effective treatment for your beauty regimen. Remember to always research alternatives and talk to experts and doctors before undertaking any treatment.


Q: Can pregnant women do microneedling?

A: No, pregnant women should avoid microneedling during pregnancy.

Q: Can people with sensitive skin do microneedling?

A: People with sensitive skin should be careful with microneedling, as they may experience more discomfort and a greater risk of skin irritation.

Q: Can people with active acne or infections do microneedling?

A: No, it is not recommended for people with active acne or any type of infection to undergo microneedling.

Q: Can people with skin diseases do microneedling?

A: People with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or rosacea should talk to their dermatologist before undertaking this treatment.

Q: Can people with bleeding disorders do microneedling?

A: People with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or thrombocytopenia should avoid microneedling, as it can increase the risk of bleeding and hematoma (bruising).