Category Archives: Frågor & Svar

When not to do IPL?

When not to do IPL

When it comes to IPL treatments, it's important to be aware of the risks, especially if you have a sensitive skin type or take certain medications. It is also important to choose a qualified practitioner to avoid unwanted side effects. If you're not sure if IPL is right for you, talk to your doctor or dermatologist to discuss your options. Remember that your health and safety always come first!

Is expensive skincare better?

Is expensive skin care better

Expensive skin care has long been associated with quality and efficiency. But is it really worth the extra money? According to the experts, it doesn't have to be that way. Some budget brands can be just as effective, or even better, than the more expensive options. So save your money and invest instead in finding products that work for your skin type and your needs. Your wallet and your skin will thank you for it.

Is laser treatment dangerous?

Is laser treatment dangerous?

Laser treatment is a safe and effective method of treating a number of different skin problems. However, as with any medical procedure, there is always a certain risk of complications. But remember to choose a certified specialist clinic with experienced staff and you can safely receive a laser treatment and achieve your desired results. So, no, laser treatment absolutely does not have to be dangerous!

Do you have to shave before laser?

Do you have to shave before laser?

Shaving before a laser treatment is a common recommendation from the clinics. But it is not always necessary. By being patient and giving your therapists the information they need, the laser treatment can be an effective and painless experience. Trust your clinic's professional advice and enjoy the long-term benefits of hair-free skin without worrying about the razor.

Which substances are good for the face?

Which substances are good for the face

There are many different substances that can be good for the face. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid can help increase the skin's moisture and provide softer, more supple skin. Various amino acids can also help provide more clarity and shine. Consider choosing skin care products with these key ingredients for the most effective and healthy skin.