When not to do IPL?

IPL-treatments have become increasingly common in the search for flawless skin. But even if the technique has proven to be effective in treating pigmentation and hair growth among other things, it is important to remember that IPL is not always the right solution. So when should you refrain from IPL-treatments? Read on to find out and get important information about your skin health.

When not to do IPL

1. When is it not appropriate to do IPL treatments?

IPL treatments are effective in treating a variety of skin problems, including skin aging, pigmentation, acne and rosacea. However, there are certain factors to consider to ensure that IPL treatments are suitable for you.

If you have active acne or a skin infection, it is not advisable to do IPL treatments. Another condition that can rule one out IPL treatment is if you have many vascular-based problems. IPL works best on pigment and melanin in the skin, not on vessels.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not have IPL treatments. Many women experience pigmentation during pregnancy which makes IPL attractive, but it is important to wait until after the end of breastfeeding.

People with dark skin tones should also be careful with IPL treatments, as there is a greater risk of pigment changes. You can still do IPL, but you need to seek out an experienced practitioner who has experience treating darker skin tones.

Finally, it is important to avoid IPL treatments if you have a sensitivity to light. An allergic reaction may occur and it may cause skin irritation. Always consult your therapist if you have any questions or concerns.

In conclusion, it is important to carry out careful consideration as to whether IPL treatments are suitable for you. If applicable, it is important to find a qualified practitioner and follow all instructions to ensure good results and that your skin remains healthy.

2. Important factors to consider before choosing IPL treatments

IPL treatments have become increasingly common in the beauty industry. But before you decide to try this method, there are a few things you should consider.

1. Skin type: IPL works best on people with light to medium skin tones. If you have darker skin tone, there is a risk that IPL may cause discoloration or damage to the skin.

2. Hair- and skin color: IPL works best on dark skin hair- and light skin tones. If you have red, blonde or grey hair IPL may not work or take longer to get rid of unwanted hair.

3. Medication: Before undergoing IPL treatments, you should consider possible medication. Some medications can affect the sensitivity of the skin and risk causing damage.

4. Pain: IPL may cause some pain and discomfort. This depends on the person's pain threshold and treatment area. To reduce the pain, you can try an anesthetic or choose other treatment options.

5. Experience of esthetician: When choosing a clinic and esthetician, it is important to choose an experienced and qualified person. This reduces the risk of injury and increases the success of the treatment.

6. Cost: The price of IPL treatments varies depending on the clinic and treatment area. Before choosing a clinic, consider the costs and compare with other clinics to find the most affordable option.

In conclusion, IPL treatments can be an effective solution for getting rid of unwanted hair and improving your skin. But before doing a treatment, consider these important factors to get the best possible results with the least possible risk.

3. Avoid IPL treatments under specific medical conditions

There are certain medical conditions where IPL treatments can make the problems worse. This includes conditions such as increased sensitivity to the sun, active skin infections, as well as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. It is important that you consult with your doctor before undergoing any kind of skin treatment.

People who have a sensitive immune system, such as people with lupus or leukemia, should also avoid IPL treatments. These treatments can increase the risk of skin reactions and weaken the immune system. It is best to avoid IPL altogether if you suffer from such conditions.

Pregnant women should also avoid IPL treatments. Although there is no direct danger to the fetus, it is best to avoid any kind of skin treatment during pregnancy, as hormonal changes and changes in the body can cause skin reactions.

If you are not sure if IPL is right for you, talk to a dermatologist or beauty expert. They can advise you on which treatments are safe for your skin type and medical needs. Regardless of your conditions, remember that your health should always come first. Wait until your medical condition has improved before evaluating IPL treatments.

4. Ensure the effectiveness of IPL through thorough consultations

We at our clinic believe that a thorough consultation before a IPL treatment is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Before the IPL treatment, we always book a consultation to discuss the customer's needs and goals with the treatment. This gives us an opportunity to find out any skin problems that may affect the results of the IPL treatment. We go through everything from that consumer's lifestyle to their sun habits to ensure a successful treatment.

We ensure that all customers are aware of the risks and side effects that may occur during or after the IPL treatment. We take into account various factors such as skin type, hair color and customer demand to always achieve optimal results. At our clinic, we use the most advanced IPL machines in the industry, which combined with our experienced team of clinicians, gives the customer the best.

After the IPL treatment, we follow up with the client to ensure they are satisfied with the results and experience no problems. We give tips and advice on how to take care of your skin after the IPL treatment. This includes advice on sun protection factor, avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight, as well as long-term skin care.

At our clinic, we care about the well-being of our clients and we want to make sure that they are satisfied with our services and healthy when they leave our clinic. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible IPL treatment by providing them with a thorough consultation, using the most advanced machines on the market and providing tips and advice on how to care for the skin after the treatment.

For us, IPL is not just a treatment, but a holistic experience for our customers where they can feel safe and well taken care of. Through our thorough consultations, patient counseling and high quality IPL treatments, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their beauty goals in the most effective and safe way.

5. Alternatives to IPL treatments for people with skin problems

Having acne, rosacea or unevenness in the skin can take a psychological and emotional toll on many people. IPL treatments are an alternative to these skin problems, but many find them too expensive and painful. Fortunately, there are several options that are more cost-effective and less painful.

1. Chemical peels – Chemical peels can be performed by a dermatologist, cosmetic therapist or used as a home treatment. They work by removing dead skin cells and stimulating new growth. They can be effective against fine lines, acne, pigmentation and rosacea.

2. Microneedling – Microneedling is a technique that involves using tiny needles to create tiny holes in the skin to stimulate new growth. This can help increase collagen production and reduce fine lines and acne scars.

3. Laser treatments – Laser treatments can be effective in removing age spots, fine lines and increasing collagen production. They can be costly and painful, but the results can be worth it.

4. Natural skin care products – Using natural skin care products can be a more effective and cost effective solution. Use products that contain natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, aloe vera and jojoba oil to help reduce inflammation and cleanse the skin.

5. Diet – Eating a healthy diet can help improve skin. Avoid processed foods and sugar and focus on eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

Whichever option you choose, it's important to remember that results take time and patience. By sticking to a regular skin care routine and living a healthy lifestyle, you can improve your skin health in a more cost-effective way.

6. To take the wise decision to forgo IPL in certain cases

IPL, Intense Pulsed Light, is a popular treatment to remove unwanted hair or to reduce pigment spots and superficial vessels on the skin. But it is not always the right treatment and it is important to be well informed before deciding to do it.

There are certain circumstances and conditions that can make IPL treatments inappropriate or even dangerous. This may include conditions such as pregnancy or breastfeeding, skin infections or rosacea, epilepsy or other neurological disorders, medical conditions, or the use of medications that affect skin sensitivity or blood-thinning medications.

In addition, certain skin types, such as darker or tanned, may be more susceptible to side effects of IPL treatment. It is important to discuss these risks with your dermatologist or aesthetic therapist before the IPL treatment.

  • If you have sensitive skin or suffer from skin problems such as acne, eczema or psoriasis, IPL treatments can make it worse and cause redness, irritation or scarring. In these cases, alternative treatments such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion may be a better option.
  • If you are seeking IPL treatment for hair removal, it is important that you have not recently waxed or plucked your hair. This can make the IPL treatment less effective because the IPL light cannot reach the hair root deeply enough.

By being aware of when IPL treatment will not be the best solution, you can make the wise decision to forgo IPL in some cases. The best way to find out if IPL treatments are right for you is to consult with a dermatologist or aesthetic therapist who will help you find the best treatment for your skin type.

IPL is one of the most popular non-invasive beauty treatments. But before booking an appointment for treatment, it is important to know when IPL is not suitable. Doing IPL at the wrong time or conditions can cause serious damage to the skin. As a beauty professional, my desire is to see you beam with confidence every day. And the best way to get there is to make the right choice when it comes to your beauty. Remember, when you feel confident and well prepared, you can let IPL give you the transformative results you desire.


What circumstances make IPL unsuitable?

IPL is not suitable for people who:

– Has a sunburn or sun damage.
- Have very dark or tanned skin.
- Taking medication that can increase the risk of photosensitivity.
- Have current acne infections or other skin problems.
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Does the IPL treatment hurt?

The most common sensation during the IPL treatment is a mild tingling sensation that can be compared to a rubber band hitting the skin. Some people describe it as unpleasant, while others feel nothing at all. If necessary, your technician can use numbing cream or pain relief to reduce discomfort.

Can IPL cause damage to the skin?

IPL treatment is non-invasive and relatively safe, provided it is performed by a qualified technician and under the right conditions. However, if the treatment is done at the wrong time or conditions, it can cause serious damage to the skin, including burns and pigment changes.

How many IPL treatments do I need?

The number of treatments you need depends on your specific beauty goals and your current skin condition. Generally speaking, depending on your goal, you need 2-6 treatments at approximately 6-8 week intervals.

How can I prepare for the IPL treatment?

Before the IPL treatment, avoid exposure to the sun and use high protection factor sunscreen for at least two to four weeks. Let your technician know if you have any medical conditions or take medications that may affect the treatment. Do not sand or use any type of chemical peel at least two to three weeks before the IPL treatment. Feel free to discuss these questions with your technician for better preparation.