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Finding the right shaver should be easy. So why is choosing one so complicated?
To begin with, I would say that the large number of models and variations creates a kind of paradox. There are just too many of them.
You've probably been there at some point when you've needed to buy a certain product and have gone back and forth between several options, constantly wondering which would be the best option.
Difference between shavers
Another difficulty in choosing an appliance is the poor documentation and descriptions of the differences between the various models.
Often model names don't help either, manufacturers don't make an effort to describe the actual differences between devices and many review sites are filled with contradictory or irrelevant information.
Sometimes we see product updates being rolled out without any indication of how significant the updates are or whether the older devices are still a good option.
There are cases where the new devices are nothing more than a makeover of the appearance; but there are also times when a shaver is an entirely new product that uses important changes that affect the actual performance.
A good one can do so many different jobs. It trims your hair (razor and trimmer in one), defines and shaves your beard and gets rid of those pesky nose hairs. An appliance can be a very powerful thing, which means it can - and ideally should - suffice on its own for your daily facial care.
Nothing beats the extremely close shave of an old-school razor, but they're hardly the most practical items to use and can easily be surpassed by devices for speed and ease of use.
Thankfully, modern appliances have come a long way since their inception. Today, they offer smooth, close shaves without the time-consuming process of a traditional wet shave and with less irritation. From flexible heads to multiple blades and even blade types that have both dry and wet shaving.
Not all appliances have the same functionality, so we've compiled a list of the best appliances you can buy to make your buying decision effective. Check out the list for the best razor best in test.
1. Braun Series 9

While the Series 7 is powerful enough for most shaving situations, Braun's Series 9 is the best shaver we've tested in our shaver review and which we think are worth the extra cost – at least for some situations. If you have particularly curly or coarse hair or if you want to shave less often but achieve the same closeness, this may be the device for you.
Braun's unit is top-notch, which is always a byword for German efficiency, prioritizing comfort above all with a ten-way swivel head and two titanium-coated trimmers.
Vid första anblicken är storleken den största skillnaden mellan Series 9 och Series 7. Även om rakapparter väger lika mycket, är serien 9 längre, har mer omkrets och är mer topptung, allt på grund av sin fyrdubbla rakningsmekanism. Det fyrvägshuvudet håller fast vid Brauns traditionella tvåfolie-design men lägger till ett par skärmekanismer – en ”direkt & klipp” -trimmer och en ”hyper-lift & cut” -trimmer som dessutom håller lite längre – som bättre hakar fast, hävdar företaget.
Braun claims the Series 9 can handle three days of heavy beard growth. We found this to be as good as its marketing, with one important asterisk: the Series 9 set a standard for performance and speed that most of our shaver testers agreed on.
That elusive scrub you just can't get rid of? It'll be gone with a few swipes of the wrist. Of course, you can expect as much considering this one costs twice as much as the price of most of the others in this list. The extra cost shows in its appropriately important design, extra directional flex and micro-vibration technology.
Most of our testers agreed that the Series 9 is a great series. When one of our testers tried it on his three-day-long beard, he found it worked better than any he'd ever used.
The extra power and performance comes at a cost and a design cost. The Series 9 is particularly bulkier than the Series 7, and some testers found the Series 9 difficult to maneuver in tight spaces.
Braun's Series 9 cleaning base uses the same cartridges as the Series 7 base (and those of all other Braun appliances) and is functionally identical. Replacement cartridges last about three months and cost around £250 for a 4 pack. Replacement foils are significantly more expensive for the Series 9; they currently sell for about $500, compared to about $300 to $400 for the Series 7.
One of our testers who has been using this model since 2018 has had no problems with it. However, he prefers manual cleaning so he doesn't use the cleaning system.
Since you'll be using the Series 9 every other day, why not treat yourself to that extra charm?
2. Philips Series 9000

Philips likes the rotating style over a more traditional linear option. The large surface area provided by its blades ensures that it usually delivers too.
For most people, linear-still usually provides a closer shave. But if you prefer a rotary-style shaver, we recommend the Philips Norelco Shaver 9300, which includes a cleaning system.
Like the Braun models, these are marketed in series. If you can't find the 9300, get the 9000 series which is the cheapest. In 2019, we tested the latest model, the S9000 Prestige, which includes a digital battery meter - a non-essential upgrade - but unlike the 9300, it doesn't come with a cleaning system. It shaves in the same way the 9300 does.
For travel, the Philips Norelco offers a hard case that is significantly larger than those that come with other devices in our test
Rotary devices have a completely different design philosophy than linear models: they capture and cut facial hair by spinning, similar to the way a circular cutter works.
The S9000 Prestige's digital battery indicator is more accurate than the temperature gauge bar on other models we've considered, but both are good for everyday use.
Because the trimmer is separate, the Philips Norelco is a three-piece affair rather than a single unit like the Braun Series 9 and Remington.
For travel, Philips Norelco offers a hard case that's significantly larger than the ones that come with the shavers we tested.
The 9300 model can be troublesome. For starters, the trimmer is a separate accessory that requires the floating head to be removed. And because the triple-headed shaver isn't as compact as a linear, it needs a larger case that takes up more room in your luggage.
Philips Norelco doesn't integrate cleaning systems across its range like Braun does, and while we find the brand's cleaning bases work well, they're a bit of a hassle to use compared to Braun's, and it's harder to replace cleaning cartridges. Because of its shape, the Philips Norelco has to be held in the cleaning base with a sort of stalk-like support, which means an extra step to insert the device. You have to decide if the convenience is worth it; it's really easy to maintain the shaver manually with the included cleaning brush.
9300 requires annual replacement of razor blades. It includes an indicator to let you know when it's time, and the blades are usually between $500 and $600.
One of our testers has been using this almost daily since 2018, and it still works well. The shaving has been comfortable and is still strong enough to cut through several days of growth when needed.
Based on our testing, we think a linear provides a better shave for most facial hair. But if you prefer a rotary style, consider Philips Norelco's Shaver 9300 (or another model in the brand's 9000 series). Rotary shavers work differently than linear shavers, using rotating heads that grab and remove hair, which some people find more convenient.
3. Remington R4 Style

Dess låda kan lika gärna prydas med orden ”Min första rakapparat”. Och vet du vad? Den modellen är en kompetent modell som passar bäst för dem som behöver en användbar modell som inte kostar dem jättemycket. Speciellt om du inte utmanar det med någon skäggtillväxt som har odlats i något längre än ett par dagar. Medan R4 Style är robust nog att hantera, är en slät, plastig design den största bristen. Både när det gäller grepp och brist på möjlighet att i våta miljöer.
The Remington R4 combines a great brand with an affordable cordless variant. This device uses the latest PowerFlex 360-degree Remington technology that adapts to all facial angles and provides a clean, close shave.
The Remington R4 can be used wet or dry, i the shower or in the sink. If you like to shave with soaps, gels, lotions or foams, this is the perfect device for you. Remington designs its shavers to never pull or tug on beard hair the face.
Skin irritation is minimized. The rotating heads contain dual razor blades to ensure that your face will be smooth and clean when you're done. These two knife blades ensure that they get as close to the skin as possible. The ActiveContour comfort system keeps all three heads in close contact with yours face. It's easy to navigate the jawline, even when shaving the more sensitive areas of the neck.
The Remington R4 provides a smooth and straight shave at its affordable price. If you're looking for an affordable cordless razor, this could be your best choice.
4. Panasonic ES-LV97

Like the Aston Martin V8 Vantage, speed is the main selling point for Panasonic's units, with 70,000 transverse actions per minute. With the latest model's multi-flex 16-directional head, it also takes facial contours very well, capturing persistently long beard hairs with ease thanks to its responsive beard density sensor that adjusts power depending on beard growth.
Panasonic's ES-LV97 and its tactile travel case, is ideal for anyone who is often on the move.
Panasonic has been in the shaver world for some time, but each new version the company looks to add more features and increase the comfort of your shave. At IFA 2019, Panasonic showed off its latest appliance, the Panasonic ES-LV97.
The unit comes with five curved cutting blades, capable of performing up to 70,000 cutting operations per minute, at least for the first 45 minutes. The central blade trims longer hair to the length and is enclosed between two lifting foils that raise the hair at the end. The foil on the outer blades is only 42 microns thick, which aims to get the closest shave possible.
The device has a flexible head that allows you to follow the face. It can also move up to 16 directions independently, so you don't have to work hard to get to all those hard-to-reach areas. It has a built-in beard density sensor that reflects 220 times per second and adjusts the speed of the blades accordingly.
As anyone who has ever used a razor knows, cleaning and maintenance can be a pain. That's why the ES-LV97 comes with a cleaning and charging dock. When you're done shaving, simply place the shaver head down in the dock. The unit starts charging immediately and then you can choose whether you want to clean the head or simply dry it.
The charging dock is convenient and stylish, but not essential; the shaver can last up to 50 minutes on a single charge. To fully recharge the device, it only needs an hour in the charging dock.
5th choice Aqua Blade 20-In-1

For the man whose facial hair is more labyrinthine than distinct, a single shaving tool may not be the best solution and that's where a multi-groomer comes in. A linear shaver is one of four accessories that can be clipped into our selection of multitasking devices, providing a closer shave for those who might prefer the manicured stubble of a beard trimmer gives but can use the extra close shave to touch up the cheeks and/or neck. While not as crudely designed as leading shavers by Philips and Braun, it offers the best of all worlds and provides those who haven't quite made up their minds. Plus, it includes a rotating head that keeps the nose and ear hair in check, which is always a useful addition when you're doing it.
The Wahl Aqua Blade looks good, feels good and most importantly, lasts a very long time on a fully charged battery. It's not much more you need from a trimmer.
Because the Aqua Blade is washable and can be used either wet or dry or even underneath the shower there is an important safety warning in the instructions that it should not be used while charging. In fact, it has been designed to not run while plugged in and charging.
En uppsättning med åtta klämkammar finns i steg från 3 till 25 mm så att håret eller skägget kan trimmas till en vald längd och passar bra för lite längre skägg. Det finns också en uppsättning med fyra stubbstyrkammar som används för att ”blanda, avsmalna och definiera” skägg.
However, everything feels very neat and is waterproof for cleaning the blade. There's a rubberized handle for extra grip and control over your shave, and 12 different guide combs depending on the length you want with your beard and hair trimmer.
Cutting lengths range from 0.2 mm up to 25 mm. The trimmer comes with a convenient travel pouch where one pocket holds the trimmer and charger while the other holds all the combs, as well as the cleaning brush and small bottle of lubricating oil.
It is recommended that a few drops of oil be applied to the blades about once a month.
It has a 180-minute lithium battery inside which is perfect. I would have liked to see some sort of battery life indicator, rather than having to guess how much battery is left.
6. Philips shaver 7000 Series

If there's one thing most men hate, it's shaving. The time, the skin irritation, the cuts and the fact that it just grows back only to repeat the process daily, weekly or monthly. There are many razors, trimmers, clippers and shavers out there, all claiming to be the best in their respective categories, and promising a smooth, close and irritation-free shave. But can they deliver on such promises? We review the Philips Series 7000 Shaver.
Philips har länge varit en tillverkare av fina maskiner genom åren och har nyligen släppt en uppdatering av deras 7000-serien. Enheten släpptes i ett antal olika varianter, varav ingen faktiskt kan kallas ”entry-level”. Istället är premiumserien väl utformade, som kan användas i våta och torra förhållanden, och ett val mellan en närmare rakning och preferenser för känslig hud. Enheten jag fick var Philips 7000 Series för våt och torr rakning, modellnummer S7350 för känslig hud.
Appearance and design
There is no doubt about the quality of the device. The amount of science that went into the development of this is far more than most other gadgets in my home. Interestingly, each of the varieties of shavers have differences in flex-tech along with their main coating and some others. S7350 pearl coating for frictional movement on the skin surface for a smooth glide like shaving. This allows the device to relieve most irritations caused by most shavers. The blades themselves are also designed differently and isolate hair as you shave, protecting the skin as it cuts. The unit's head also swivels in five directions, from the head mount as a whole, or the three individual heads, all of which make it easier for the shaver to move around the contours of the face and the neck.
The main part
The machine is very ergonomic and double-edged, so it can be held in both left and right hands. The shaver also includes a Li-ion battery that gives you up to 50 minutes of shaving time, with a charging time of about an hour. In fact, although it may seem to have a rather short battery life, I managed to continue using the device for a month without needing to recharge. It all depends on your shaving time and your weekly usage. On the front of the body there are a few LED indicators; 3 level battery indicator, cleaning indicator, low battery indicator, replacement head indicator and lock indicator. These prove to be very useful when using the device, although not all indicators may be displayed.
The unit also comes with two additional accessories, a beard styler (trimmer) and a facial brush for exfoliation. The styler has five length settings depending on how long you want to keep your beard, while the brush contains 32,000 active bristles to cleanse and massage your skin after shaving.
Specifications and performance
Any razor can be good on paper, but its value depends on how it stands up during testing and use. Thankfully, the S7350 performs excellently in almost all areas with no fuss either.
The Philips Series 7000 is a lightweight, portable and professionally designed wet and dry shaving device. Shaving is a dream for sensitive skin, with little or no irritation (after the first use perhaps). The unit also includes two accessories in the form of a styler and brush, although it does not include a pop-up trimmer for cleaning the edges. The battery life and charging time are also worth mentioning.
If you're looking for a really close shave without worrying about skin irritation, this device is not for you. But Philips has some other portable devices that might interest you. However, if you suffer from irritation after shaving, this device is definitely for you. I really enjoy using the S7350, as I don't have to worry about scratches and scrapes, while shaving dry without irritating recurring breakouts.
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Frequently asked questions about shavers
Rotary or linear shaver: which is better?
There is no definitive answer and it's mostly about your own needs. Rotary devices have three or more heads that are better suited to moving over contours and can better reach more difficult areas like around the nose and chin. Linear ones, on the other hand, are worth considering if you have shorter beard hair that requires regular shaving. They're also considered better for sensitive skin, as they're less likely to cause irritation.
Can shavers cause ingrown hairs?
Quite the opposite, in fact. Because the blades don't cut directly at skin level, there's less chance for the hair to grow into itself, making the devices ideal for people with sensitive skin or problems with ingrown hairs. Shavers also protect you from cuts, which is another welcome bonus.
Can I use a razor in the shower?
Most high-quality appliances are waterproof for easier cleaning, which also means they can be used in the shower. You can even use shaving cream with waterproof shavers for a smoother, less irritating shave, as it greatly reduces friction against your skin. That said, the main reason for a device is that it's faster and more convenient, so unless you have particularly sensitive skin, you might be able to get away with a dry shave that requires little to no cleanup.
Do I need to clean a shaver?
As with most things you buy, regular maintenance will ensure that it works well at all times, while providing years of faithful service in the process. More expensive models make life easier by providing combined charging and cleaning stations that easily clean, dry and even lubricate the blades. Note that you will need to replace the cleaning cartridges, as well as the blades/foil heads as they get old over time. Other basic maintenance involves using the supplied brush to clean the blades, as well as occasionally lubricating them with oil.
Do I need to lubricate a razor?
You can probably get away with not lubricating your appliance for a while, but it's definitely recommended thanks to the hard-working moving parts (i.e. the blades and the mechanism that moves them). Regular use of the appropriate oil will reduce the wear and tear caused by friction from the movement of the blades, as well as ensuring smoother operation and better performance.
Will the razor rust?
Almost all modern appliances are made of stainless steel, which is particularly handy given that so many of them are designed to offer wet shaves too. That said, you don't want to leave a wet appliance lying around when it's not in use, so wipe it down and store it where it's safe from splashes and moisture from baths or showers.
These 6 chosen ones are highly appreciated, each one can fill a space in your bathroom without the need of razor blades or other unnecessary accessories and can help to simplify your grooming routine a lot.
Which brand of razor should I buy?
En av de vanligaste frågorna vi får är ”Vilken shaver är bäst för mig”? Även om vi gärna vill hjälpa dig att välja den bästa är det korta svaret: ”Den som fungerar bäst för dig!”. De flesta av de stora tillverkarna inser detta och erbjuder en ”pengarna-tillbaka-garanti”. Det innebär att du kan välja och prova en utan att riskera att fastna med en som inte fungerar för dig. Om du inte gillar den av någon anledning skickar du tillbaka den till tillverkaren och får pengarna tillbaka.
The price ranges from 700 SEK to several thousand SEK for the latest top model from Braun, Panasonic or Philips.
If you have never used an appliance before, there are several things to consider. If you have sensitive skin, you can choose a wet and dry shaver, if you don't like a dry shave.
There are two different shaving systems. One is a foil and blade system, the other is the rotating head system. If you have a thick beard, you may prefer a foiled one, such as Braun or Panasonic, and you may get your best shave by shaving dry, which is what these were originally designed to do. If you have a sensitive face, or the typical neck area problem, you may prefer a rotating Philips. Again, whether you choose a wet-dry or dry-only model, the quality of the shave depends on your face and your whiskers.
If you've used a razor before, there are also some considerations. Did you like the one you had? If so, stick with the same shaving system, for example don't switch from a foil to a rotary if you really liked your foil shaver. If you didn't like your previous shaver, consider switching to a different shaving system to see if another system might suit you better.
How much does it cost to maintain my shaver?
Changing the screen and blade is a matter of judgement. For foiled variants, you should change screens and blades every 12-18 months. Spare parts costs vary by model. A set of screens and blades from Braun, Remington or Panasonic costs between 350 and 800 SEK (depending on the shaving system). Rotary head shavers are more durable and can be more economical to use. Philips rotary shaving heads last between 12 and 18 months. The price varies between 400 and 900 SEK. Always clean and lubricate your machine to make these heads last longer.
Is my appliance worth repairing?
Many appliances can be repaired at a reasonable cost. Braun wireless models require a new circuit board when the batteries are defective. The cost is about 800 SEK. If yours needs to be repaired at the same time as the heads need replacing, it may be better to buy a new one.
What is the difference between cordless, corded/cordless and wet/dry shavers?
Cordless variants only work when the batteries are charged and not during the entire shave. Corded/Cordless also works when the batteries are not charged. Corded/uncharged units cost a little more, but for the added convenience they are well worth the money. Wet/Dry units can be used in the shower and are 100 % waterproof.
Are razors difficult to clean?
Most appliances can be cleaned quickly and easily. The easiest way to clean one is to remove the head and gently tap and brush the top to remove hair. You may also want to remove the cover and inspect each blade from time to time to make sure they are not clogged with hair. Some models can be cleaned with running water when the shaver is not plugged into the electrical outlet, and most come with a small brush to be used to remove hair from all nooks and crannies. Some are self-cleaning and are quickly cleaned inside the storage base.
How often should the razor blades be replaced?
Changing blades varies depending on the model of device you have; the manufacturer's manual usually specifies how often you need to change blades. Generally speaking, it's a really good idea to replace heads and blades about once every 12 months. More frequent changes may be required if your hair is very thick or very shaggy.
What features should I look for in a shaver?
Most devices are similar in design, but not all have the same features. When buying an appliance, look for a built-in trimmer to cut longer strands of hair. The majority of these trimmers are integrated into the handle or head. You simply press a switch or button and the trimmer pops up. These trimmers work well for cutting lost hairs or fixing sideburns. You can also choose between rechargeable and those powered by batteries. Some can be used with water and shaving cream, and the self-cleaning option is always a popular feature.
Which shaver is better Philips or Braun?
Both Philips and Braun are market leaders. Both therefore have an excellent range of products. The main difference between the brands is the types of blades they use. Braun makes the foiled variant, while Philips uses the rotary style. This means that it really comes down to personal preference as to which style you prefer to use.
How to shave with an electric razor?
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