When not to do Dermapen?

Are you keen to try Dermapen, the new trendy treatment for fresh and youthful skin? Before you book your first session, it is important that you are aware of when it is actually not appropriate to use this method. Taking care of your skin in the right way is a prerequisite for you to get the result you desire. In this article, we will take a closer look at when you should avoid using Dermapen and what can happen if you ignore these warnings. Let's find out everything you need to know!

The dermapen

1. Avoid Dermapen treatment in case of active inflammation in the skin

If you suffer from acne or eczema, or exhibit any form of skin irritation or inflammation, it may be best to refrain from treatment with Dermapen. The Dermapen treatment means that small needles penetrate the skin to stimulate the skin's healing and collagen production. The treatment has many benefits such as increased elasticity, reduced lines and wrinkles and improved skin color and texture.

However, in case of active inflammation of the skin, such as acne, eczema or psoriasis, the Dermapen treatment can worsen your skin condition. The treatment can also spread infections, spots and scars over the skin and create more irritation. You also run the risk of delaying skin healing, as microscopic damage caused by the treatment can make it harder for your skin to recover.

It is important that you take care of your skin and avoid unnecessary irritation and stress. Before undergoing the Dermapen treatment, you should make sure that your skin is completely clean, free of make-up and products. Also avoid direct sun and exfoliation the days before and after the treatment.

Instead of the Dermapen treatment for active skin inflammation, you can try other treatment options such as cleaning and exfoliation, early treatment of inflammation such as soothing serum or creams or consider other techniques such as microneedling.

Take your skin health seriously and avoid the Dermapen treatment when your skin condition is not at its best. With a healthy lifestyle and care, your skin will glow and be more beautiful than ever.

2. Prevent Dermapen in case of sunburn or sun damage

Taking care of your skin is a long-term investment. The best way to protect your skin from damage is to limit your exposure to the sun. If you happen to burn or get sun damage, there are a few things you can do to help your skin recover and give it the support it needs.

First, avoid exposing your skin to the sun when it is at its strongest. By staying in the shade or wearing clothing that covers your skin, you will be able to limit the damage that can occur. But if you do happen to burn or get sun damage, it's important that you choose the right products to help your skin recover as quickly as possible.

One of the best products you can use to help your skin recover from sun damage is a dermapen. A dermapen is an electrical device used to create small holes in the epidermis. This helps to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which is important to help it recover.

However, it is important to follow certain recommendations when using a dermapen on sun-damaged skin. You should avoid using it on areas that are burning or sore. Instead, you should focus on areas that have started to flake or peel. Use a mild cream or serum which is designed to help the skin recover from sun damage before you start using the dermapen.

Once you start using the dermapen on your sun-damaged skin, it's important to be patient. It takes time for the skin to fully recover and you cannot expect immediate results. However, if you are consistent and patient, you will notice an improvement in the quality of your skin and your sun damage will gradually become less visible.

The bottom line is that if you want to protect your skin from sun damage and help it recover from burns, dermapen is an excellent product to consider. By using it correctly and with patience, you will be able to give your skin the best possible chance to recover and give you the warm sunshine you crave.

3. Refrain from Dermapen if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

It is important to remember that when you are carrying a child, or if you are breastfeeding, your body is extra sensitive and needs more attention. When it comes to skin care techniques like Dermapen, there is some caution to be taken because of the ingredients used and the mechanical process. To be on the safe side, experts recommend refraining from using Dermapen during this period.

The dermapen is a skin care technique that involves an electrical device. It creates micro-holes on the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin. Although there are many benefits to this technique, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using it. During this time, it is better to choose other skin care techniques that do not harm your sensitive skin.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is important to avoid certain substances that can be harmful to the baby. This also applies to skin care products and techniques. Many of the substances used in skin care products can penetrate the skin and affect your child. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid Dermapen and other similar techniques during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you want to have healthy and fresh skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are many other options that can help you achieve your goals. For example, you can use milder products that are completely natural and free of chemicals. These products can help you maintain healthy skin during this time.

When you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important to remember that it is now not only about your own health, but also about the health of your baby. Therefore, it is important that you are extra careful and avoid unnecessary risks and always think about what is best for you and your child. By choosing the right skin care techniques and products, you can be sure that you are taking care of your skin in a safe and healthy way.

4. Safety measures for people with skin diseases and similar conditions

People with skin diseases and similar conditions may need to take extra precautions to avoid their skin being irritated or damaged by certain products or procedures. Therefore, it is important to consider their special needs and choose products that are gentle and non-irritating.

One of the most important safety precautions is to avoid products that contain harsh chemicals or strong fragrances. These can cause irritation and aggravate skin problems. Instead, you should look for products that are labeled for sensitive skin and are free of perfume, dyes and other unnecessary additives.

For people with sensitive skin, it may also be a good idea to avoid certain professional treatments such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion. These treatments can damage the skin and worsen existing skin conditions. Instead, one should consider milder treatments such as facial massage, steam or clay mask.

When it comes to sun protection, it is important to choose sunscreens that are specially developed for people with sensitive skin or skin problems. These products are often milder and less likely to cause irritation. It is also important to use sunscreen regularly and avoid exposing the skin to the sun when it is at its strongest.

Finally, a healthy lifestyle can also help improve skin health. This includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. Staying hydrated is also important for maintaining healthy skin.

In conclusion, it is important to consider people's unique needs and take appropriate safety measures when it comes to skin diseases and similar conditions. By choosing gentle products, avoiding harsh chemicals and professional treatments, using sunscreen and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can help improve skin health and avoid potential problems.

5. Preparations before Dermapen treatment

Taking care of your skin is the key to achieving a youthful, soft and radiant complexion. Dermapen treatments have become increasingly popular due to their ability to treat a variety of skin problems and signs of aging with minimal side effects. Before starting a Dermapen treatment, it is important that you take care of your skin in a number of different ways to prepare it for the treatment. Here are some preparations you need to make to maximize the results of your Dermapen treatment.

Avoid using certain skin care products
Before treatment, avoid using skin care products containing glycolic acid, Retin-A, Renova or other similar products. These products can make the skin more sensitive and cause redness.

Do not sunbathe or use tanning beds
Avoid sunbathing or using tanning beds for at least two weeks before your Dermapen treatment. Sunburn or increased pigmentation can make it difficult for your dermatologist to take the treatment deep enough to get maximum results.

Do not use certain treatments
Also avoid using other facial treatments, such as peeling, for at least one week before your Dermapen treatment. The same goes for hair removal, chemical treatments, or other cosmetic treatments.

Keep healthy habits
Prepare your skin by drinking plenty of water, eating healthy foods and trying to follow a healthy lifestyle. This can give your skin the natural glow and elasticity that helps support the healing process after your Dermapen treatment.

Consult your dermatologist
Before booking your Dermapen treatment, talk to a dermatologist to see if the treatment is right for you. Your dermatologist can give you more specific advice on how to prepare your skin for treatment and what to expect afterwards.

By following these simple preparations, your skin will be ready and receptive to a Dermapen treatment that will leave your complexion smoother, more youthful and radiant.

6. Failure to use the correct products after Dermapen treatment

Undergoing a Dermapen treatment can have amazing results for your skin, but it's important that you also take care of your skin after the treatment. A common reason why treatments are not as effective as they should be is that clients do not use the right products after the treatment. Here are some tips to avoid making this type of mistake.

Firstly, it is important to use products with the right ingredients after your Dermapen treatment. This means choosing products that are gentle on your skin and can help soothe and rebuild the skin, instead of irritating or damaging it. Ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile and hyaluronic acid can help relieve redness and irritation, while hydrating and strengthening your skin.

Second, avoid harsh chemicals. If you use skin care products that include acids such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid or retinol, these products can damage the skin if used too soon after a Dermapen treatment. Instead, choose mild products that do not contain skin-irritating ingredients. Some examples of products that can be good to use after the treatment are a mild lotion or serum which contains hyaluronic acid.

Third, you should stay out of the sun for at least a week after a Dermapen treatment. The skin's barrier is damaged after the treatment, which makes the skin extra sensitive to UV rays. Exposing your skin to the sun after treatment can lead to pigmentation, worsening redness and other skin problems. Keep in mind that even if you don't plan to be outside during the day, rays from computers and cell phones can also affect your skin, so be sure to use sunscreen.

Fourth, don't use too much makeup after the treatment. Your pores will be more open than usual after a Dermapen treatment, which means you should avoid covering makeup or heavy products. It is also important to consider that makeup can limit the skin's ability to breathe and cost a transport mask. If you want to use makeup after the treatment, choose products that are light on the skin and do not clog pores.

Finally, do not use trusted products before and after Dermapen treatment. Therefore, I recommend that you use products recommended by your treatment therapist. An experienced Dermapen technician can recommend the best products for your skin type and for your specific treatment. By listening to your therapist and using the right products after your Dermapen treatment, you can ensure you get the best possible results. Outro:

The conclusion is that Dermapen is a very effective treatment for improving the appearance and health of the skin. But it is important to follow the recommended guidelines and avoid the treatment in certain circumstances. Remember to always consult with a certified professional skin therapist to determine if Dermapen is suitable for your skin type and specific needs.


1. Can you do Dermapen if you have a sunburn?

No, it is not recommended to do Dermapen if you have a sunburn or an active skin rash. Wait until the tan has faded and the rash has healed before booking a treatment.

2. Is it safe to do Dermapen if you have acne?

Yes, the skin can benefit from Dermapen in the treatment of acne. However, it is important that you make a consultation with a skin therapist to discuss the specific case and choose the right type of needles and products.

3. Should you avoid Dermapen during pregnancy?

Yes, Dermapen treatments should be avoided during pregnancy as there is an increased risk of complications.

4. Can Dermapen treatment harm my skin?

If the treatment is performed correctly by a certified and experienced professional skin therapist, it should not cause any damage to the skin. However, it is important to always follow the guidelines recommended after treatment to protect your skin.

5. What preparations should be made before Dermapen treatment?

You should avoid strong sunlight and other skin-irritating factors a week before the treatment. You should also clean your skin thoroughly and avoid using skin care products that can irritate the skin. Consult your skin therapist for more detailed instructions.